Friendly staff, big animal action, macro life with mountainous and lush scenery is what the International Society of Aquatic Medicine (ISAM) group found waiting for them aboard the Wind Dancer February 12-19,2005. We went in search of diving adventure, as Tobago is not a destination for the beginning diver.
Wind Dancer, Tobago
ISAM Winter Adventure
Tobago did provide us with exhilarating and critter filled dives in both the
Atlantic and Caribbean.
ISAM did a dive at Black Jack Hole during our charter that could rival the
best dive ever in the Caribbean. The dive gave us blue water with large
green morays out free swimming and stretched across the coral. Later we were
informed this was mating season for green morays and the males were on the
prowl. ISAM had divers posing for face-to-face photographic opportunities
with the green morays. Divers were swimming in volcanic terrain with
exciting and varied marine life on a reef filled with colorful corals.
We dived a group of islands called The Sisters and Brothers Rock; from the
topography of the area you had the feel of the Galapagos Islands. It was an
exciting diving and provided sightings of hammerheads. Every diver in our
group did the early morning dive at Brothers Rock for the best opportunities
to see the hammerhead sharks.
Everyone commented on the large size of the queen angel fish and the brain
coral on the reef. Highlights on the Wind Dancer were opportunities to dive
with hammerheads, manta rays, jacks, turtles, scorpionfish, eels of varied
species, French angels, rainbow parrotfish, eagle rays, stingrays,
nudibranchs, cherub fish, lettuce sea slugs, flamingo tongues, brain coral,
purple vase sponges, varied colorful sponges, sea rods and sea plumes in a
dive area with mountainous underwater formations. The diving gave
opportunities for wide angle and macro photographic opportunities.
The staff of the Wind Dancer was exceptional in every way. We felt so
fortunate to see Yanis again as this was our third charter with her! What a
wonderful cook and she passed with flying colors our prior expectations.
ISAM loved the treatment of warm towels with a shoulder massage after every
dive. We loved all of the crew and found the service world class for which
Peter Hughes diving is famous.
I look forward to combing more exciting adventures with ISAM
(www.divingdocs.org) and Peter Hughes Diving. It is a winning combination of
providing adventure in our medical meeting-and medicine in our adventures.